Tuesday, July 1, 2008

new news

So...about 4 months ago we started going to a new church (http://web.mac.com/thebarnlv/iWeb/Barn%20Pages/home.html) . I totally fell in love! I naturally joined/jumped right in. Curtis is helping with the AV team, which kinda surprised me, but I am oh so very happy! Well, just recently The Barn posted a position for a Children/Youth Coordinator. It was suppose to be a part time position...I was interested in it so I talked with our Pastor. Come to find out it would not be possible for me to realistically have my full time job and this part time one. After much prayer...I decided to go for it. So the board approved 32 hours a week (more than part time but less than full time) and matched my current salary! As of July 14th I am the new Children and Youth Coordinator!!!! But there is more. I am going back to school for my BA in Psychology and then my Masters in ...drum roll... Religion. I will be going to Seminary. I am very excited and extremely nervous.

I know I do not want to be world famous...but I know I was created for great things. This is where God has been calling me and I finally listened!!!!!!


Shar said...

congrats, Stef! that is awesome. You are amazing and I think it's so great that you get to do something you'll love so much. Wish we could see you guys...have fun in MO with the family!! If you all want to surprise us and come to UT for the reunion, we would be sooooo happy :)

Nicole said...

Congrats!! Hmmm...Shar always says things WAY better than I can, can I just ditto her comment?! :) You are so awesome. I wish we lived closer and could get to know each other better!!! Good luck with your new position (and HOW COOL...that is basically a BIG raise to get to work 32 hours for the same salary...yay for you!!!) Have so much fun with the fam. We miss and love you guys!!!!