Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Poor Millie - I think she only has 8 lives left now!

So, Saturday Dec. 27, I accidentally closed Millie's tail in the door. I stepped over her to go into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Her tail got stuck in the hinge and it must have pinched, because when I opened the door she was gone. (Normally she lays in front of the door till we go into another room.) So I picked up the patch of hair that was in the door and something was different this time. (Since she is long hair we step on her tail quite often and pull a little hair out.) It was hard in the center. I looked at it and noticed it was hollow. At this point I start freaking out. Curtis calmly tells me to go get Millie. He examines her tail and there is about 1/4 inch of her bloody tail bone. At this point I am balling. We take her to the animal hospital, cuz all the vets have closed about 30 minutes ago. The vet tells us she has to have surgery to amputate part of her tail. Now the guilt has totally consumed me. She went thru the surgery fine. She is not too happy about the collar. She keeps trying to play with the shaved part of her tail. You can almost see her thought process...."it looks like a toy, but if I go to play with it, I get yelled out, but when I run it follows me." Over a week later, I am starting to see the humor in it. It took a while though. Curtis was calm through the whole ordeal. When we were sitting on the bench in the waiting room, he said to me, "What's it going to be like when we have REAL kids?!"

1 comment:

Meg said...

Poor Millie... Poor Stef... I am glad Millie is doing so much better..